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    Wanda fantasy - Only death scenes 2

    Clip Description

    "Gun fun video" more than 10 min.

    - digital blood only

    14 death scenes.

    - gun shooting, sniper shooting, machine gunning, arrowing, stabbing

    Clip Duration:      11 minutes
    Format Size
    mp4779.54 MB

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    Wanda fantasy - Only death scenes 2

    Wanda fantasy - Only death scenes 2

    Wanda fantasy - Only death scenes 2

    Wanda fantasy - Only death scenes 2

    Wanda fantasy - Only death scenes 2

    Wanda fantasy - Only death scenes 2
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    Cocky vampire queen - "Cocky vampire queen"
12:35 min long video of fighting and killing vampire queen who thinks she cant die.
She is one of the oldest vampire alive and she wants to prove others that she is the most powerfull vampire. So she invited to her home best vampire hunter and she wants to record on videorecorder how she will play with him and then kill im. She has everything planned but she is too cocky, too greedy, too fast and she doesnt end it because she wants more fun and prove to every vampires that she is truly immortal. Lets see how it ends.
Elements: arrowing ( one in the back, one in the cleavage), multiple shooting in the chest and one to the head(K.O.), multiple stabbing in to the cleavage, wooden staking two times in to the cleavage, magic powers from both, cocky play, very tough bitch,bones breaking sounds, heart explosion, very hard to kill, blood, digital blood, vampire teeth, heavy breathing (see chest rising up and down), blood spray, blood to the camera, sound effects, tough talk in english, back arching, POV hunter view, legs kicking and much more.

    Only death scenes - \"Only death scenes\" is gun fun video with digital blood only.
13 diferent death scenes (5 insta kills, 8 longer death scenes)
elements: shooting, arrowing, stabbing, sniper shot, few scenes drop dead, some fall to her knees and drop dead, and rest longer death scenes with dying agony.
1. heart shot (fast death)
2. machine gunned (slower death scene)
3. heart shot (insta kill)
4. 3 shots in the back (fast death)
5. head shot (insta kill)
6. 2 to belly, 1 to head (fast death)
7. 1 to belly, 1 to right boob, 1 to left boob (longer death scene)
8. arrow to the left boob (longer death scene)
9. arrow between boobs (longer death scene)
10. stab to the left boob in sleep (longer death scene)
11. stabs to the belly button (longer death scene)
12. sniper shot between boobs (longer death scenes)
13. suicide (she shot herself 5 times between boobs, long death scenes)

    Bulletproof supersoldier  experiment escaped - She is a military experiment what went rogue. They decided to track her down and eliminate her, but it is not going to be easy because she is bulletproof, superstrong, with healing power. General thinks that she has a weakness and her skin can be penetrated by many fast high calibre shots on one place.
After few days chasing she is in the corner now and she must fight back.
elements: bulletproof skin, many gun shots, gun sounds effects, tough bitch, tough talk, sniper shots, sniper crosshair, fatal shots between breasts in the heart by sniper, long death agony, heart beating sound and heart failure sound, digital blood, blood bullet wound between boobs, arching back, talking in english.

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